Keeping Playa Hermosa, hermosa! Beach Cleanup 2017

Late last year, Hermosa locals got together as a community to take back the jungle along the surf zone, after years of cars parking further into the flora. After reorganizing the Playa Hermosa parking lot and appointing a volunteer attendant, the Shaka team took steps toward a cleaner beach by removing the garbage and recycling bins. Unfortunately, these bins had been causing more harm than good, with no actual separation of garbage and recyclables, and often overflowing onto the surrounding vegetation.

In their place, we added a simple sign:


Following a carry-in, carry out-model, it seems that without a garbage bin option, beachgoers are more likely to carry home their trash.


Now a year later, we're happy to announce a significant decrease in beach trash. But, while we’re already seeing a considerably cleaner parking lot and beach access, we must continue to fight for our beaches, our ocean, and for mother earth.

Taking a beach walk? Heading back to Shaka from a surf session? Help us & the local community by collecting any plastic and trash you find along the way. Small actions have a big impact!

Playa Hermosa is a blue flag recognized beach, as part of the Bandera Azul Ecologica program, an award promoting the organization of local committees for the benefit of present and future generations.

Shoutout to our friends at 5 Minute Beach Cleanup.

Photos by: Renee Rodenkirchen